
On The Road Again


01-17-2015, 03:14 PM

The sound of another approach would have his defenses locking into place as he rose to defend Ekko. But his brothers familiar face and voice would soothe him, muscles relaxing, a sad smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His brother would ask what he was doing, and he had no idea how to explain. But Ekko did it for him. She would dive into a brief story about how Cataleya had kicked them out, though she gave nothing else away. Their son was quiet now, enough that he heard the name spill form Ekko's lips. Cohen. He would smile, his green gaze lowering to them both. He liked it. She wanted to sleep and requested that he wake her when it was time to move again. So as not to disturb her, he would take a few steps away, but not so far that he couldn't get to her at a moments notice. Cataleya kicked us out, because Ekko.... He paused. Ekko gave birth to my child. He would stare wide eyed at his brother, sounding beyond his years. He had matured in such a short time, having no choice but to do so if he wanted to survive the death of his mother. We can't stay here, so we are moving south, I think, Im not sure, just far away from Arcanum. A sigh rolled off his lips. He hoped that his brother would not be mad at him for the mess he made of things, but this was his life now.

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