
A Whale's Song



06-02-2013, 02:27 AM

She didn't want to intrude upon his space. She wanted to be close enough to not have to raise her voice. His scent became stronger as the source got closer. The scent that wafted toward her nostrils told her a bit more information. He didn't have a pack's scent on him, she was sure that she didn't either. She hadn't spent any time with her new family members yet. Aria told her what was up and what was down, but she hadn't really seen anyone else.
She finally came to a stop that was a comfortable distance away, at least until she introduced herself. Now that she had a better look at him she was a bit in awe. Power was being held up by those paws, she was glad she was not on his bad side. She let her porcelain ears concentrate their efforts on him, though it wasn't difficult. He knew how to project his voice. Her smile widened a bit as she took in his bi colored eyes, not many shared this trait with her.
I didn?t mean to intrude miss, forgive me. I?m in no need of assistance. I?I was just looking for someone to talk to. I understand if you don?t wish for company at the moment. I have no problem leaving the way I came.
She giggled melodically at his words, not because what he said was funny but because of the situation. He just wanted her attention to talk? How cute!
"I would love to sit and talk to you, sir. My name is, Song Destruction. I am pleased to make your acquaintance." She lifted her paw gracefully into the air and placed it in front of her, her head following the movement to create a wolf curtsy. "May I have your name?" She asked bringing her gaze back up to his face. Meeting a handsome stranger on the beach was not something she did every day. What an exciting way to end her trip.