
Don't Ask



8 Years
01-17-2015, 09:18 PM

The man had been doing two types of hunting that morning. First he had gone looking for herbs but had found none that were ready to harvest. Next he had decided to catch a few rabbits one for himself and other for Callisto should she want one. It hadnt taken him long to find and kill the first, the second one had been more difficult as he had the blood of the first still on his muzzle as he hunted it.

Mid assault, her voice rang out for Kassander. Max hadn't been expecting her to call the boy so soon, especially since she hadnt even wanted to speak to him about what had happened. Anyone, especially a healer would see the physical proof that she'd had pups. The dark man knew deep down what had happened even though she wouldn't tell him.
He would race back to his den with the cotton tailed meal hanging from his jaws.

Upon his arrival Maximous would see that Kass had already shown up and made his observations. The look on his face told him so along with everything else he needed to know. The boy was expecting an explination and if it wasnt given then he would ask questions. Damnit, hhe himself had wanted to know, hell he still wanted to know but he promised her and he would make something up if the boy pushed for answes.

Quietly Max moved to sit next to Calli, dropping the tow rabbits on the ground and giving her a reasuring smile to let her know he was there for her. He would then turn to Kassander andgive him a small nod.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)