
Just A Dream

Katja the First


8 Years
01-18-2015, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2015, 12:08 AM by Evelyn.)

The orange bitch rose as Katja did, pulling from Katja's grasp. Her paws failed to meet their marks, her jaws barely wounded the woman - and now she was vulnerable. The viking immediately threw herself back onto her haunches, nearly sitting in her effort to remove herself from the path of the woman's attack. Teeth meant to puncture her eyes drew moderate gashes across the top of her muzzle halfway between eyes and nose as her move dropped her out of reach before the jaws could latch on and force her down, and Jupiter's shoulder missed her throat, barely clipping her chin and leaving very minor bruises on the bottom jaw as katja's body is withdrawn too far down and to Jupiter's left to be struck with force.

Her defenses remain settled as her forepaws drop to the ground. Her body is held low, nearly crouched, with her hindlegs beneath her for added power. Her joints are loose and bent, her back arched to bunch herself up like a spring ready to be loosed. Her head is held level with her shoulders, the shoulders rolled forward in order to bunch her scruff up. Her tail was curled around her haunches to keep it out of the way of vengeful jaws. All four paws were spread, the dull claws digging into the ground, and her forepaws were spread slightly further apart to provide greater balance. Her weight was held balanced, though further onto her hindquarters than her fore to compensate for her position, the weight held lightly. Her silver-tipped hackles bristled along her spine, and her ears pressed tightly against her skull. Her eyes narrowed, a snarl bunching the skin up on her face to create loose folds and give greater protection.

The moment her balance was regained Katja attempted to spring forward from her crouch in a diagonal fashion, the point of her left shoulder aimed for where she hoped Jupiter's left foreleg would be after attempting to strike Katja with that shoulder and encountering little more than gravity. Katja's shoulder was intended to strike the front of the foreleg right below the elbow in the hopes of folding that leg up, but it was not her ultimate goal. She would continue even if it were to fail.

As she attempted to throw herself beneath the woman - hoping to topple her as she did, Katja's right forepaw was seeking to hook around the ankle of Jupiter's right hindleg with the intention of jerking the limb back towards her and further seeking to disrupt the woman's balance. But even this was not her endgame. It was a mere distraction that served the secondary purpose of trying to pull Jupiter down.

It was as she aimed to throw herself beneath the larger woman's body from a crouch that Katja attempted to tip her muzzle up, fangs gleaming a wet ivory as they sought to tear into the soft flesh of Jupiter's underbelly between her sternum and her empty womb, viciously - and coldly - seeking to disembowel the bitch and leave her to writhe and bleed out with her entrails tangling around her legs. She wanted to blind the bitch who continuously sought her own eyes, yes, but Katja cared not if the woman were dead before she shredded the delicate orbs.

KATJA vs JUPITER for FULL BLINDING (retaliatory maim)

Round 2/2

Defenses: second paragraph

Attacks: shoulder strike to jupiter's left foreleg, paw swipe to jupiter's right hindleg, attempted disemboweling

Injuries: moderate gashes across the top of her muzzle halfway between eyes and nose, minor bruising on lower jaw

OOC Notes: I was told by starsight that since she's leaving the site anyway I can keep the rounds at only two - so if you're wondering, that's what's up there.

Eve edited to fix rounds, that is all.