
Ma Lumi�re


06-02-2013, 02:57 AM

Rogue had taken her not as his mistress, or as his harlot, not as a slave and not as a reciprocal for stress relief, but he had asked her to be his mate, his wife, and that combination of words still floored the ex-slave. he courted her nearly day in and day out, rarely doing anything without her aside for the pack tasks he was assigned. It was unheard of for a slave to take a mate and she was still having difficulties accepting such a gift, but damn it all if she wouldn't try her damndest to be perfect for him. She was broken, she was used and she was scarred and for some bizarre reason he had chosen her to share his life with and he would never know how much that meant to her. She had not the vocabulary to accurately explain.

Her thoughts were shattered by her beloveds call. A sweet song that filtered through the air, gentle and sweet calling for his family and for her. her heart would catch in her throat, fear momentarily paralyzing her, he would tell them the nature of his intentions and would obviously want their approval... but she was a slave, filthy and disgusting, would they accept her and would they deny his request? It wouldn't surprise her if they did and she was fine being his harlot, she loved him and as long as that remained true- No... no Mahniya, stop thinking like that. She scolded herself, willing her mind to stop over analyzing everything. Gargoyle had wanted to fix her hadn't he?

Rising to her pads the woman would carry her bodice across the snow at a heady gallop. Crimson eyes seeking the familiar form of Rogue while her nose delicately tracked his scent. Crusade's intermingled with it and she gulped as she came upon the two, her gait slowing to a soft walk as she slowly moved to stand beside rogue, pressing the tip of her snout to his shoulder in a soft greeting. "Good morning." Soft and gentle her tones would fall before her attention moved to the ex-chief. Respectfully, she dipped her head, eyes sliding shut as she bowed. "Its lovely to see you again Crusade, it's been a long while." Her tones were soft and quiet, she was nervous and it showed. She stood at Rogue's side and waited for him to speak his news.
