
The Bloodied Moon



7 Years
01-18-2015, 03:12 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tears clouded her eyes as she peered down at her husband, seeing him only through one of them, and softly she kissed his cheek while he rambled about wishing things were different. "Hush, hush," Tahlia mumbled through her crying, only realizing after what it was that he was alluding to. A time in the past, a moment stolen between them, one that should have made her blush but under the circumstances only made her more disconsolate. "There will be more," she assured him falsely, trying to convince herself in the same breath that the lie she told could and would happen. He would be well and they could continue living their lives together, stolen moments included. Everything would be fine. 

But the truth was unavoidable, bearing down on her the longer she held her dying mate. She could feel his body transition, growing still, growing weak, failing beneath her as she clung to him. Tahlia refused to let go, to accept, but only after he made one last feeble attempt at living did she realize that she had no say. The spirits had claimed him and he was hers no more. 

"No," she whispered, her voice full of disbelief, of refusal, of desperation, "no, no, no. No, no!" She spoke his name, and again, kissed and nipped against his cheeks, anything to bring him back, to hear him speak to her one last time. She could hardly see him through her good eye though she could feel him still within her grasp, unresponsive and not moving though she was by now anything but still. Hysterical, she cried, screamed, as she was drawn away from her dead husband's body by one of her children - she was not aware enough to realize who - and with her legs feeling as heavy as her heart did she crumbled away from Bane, alone, sobbing inconsolably. Only vaguely was she aware of the sounds of scraping at the earth, the sounds of a burial, but she was not aware enough to piece everything together. Bane was gone. Her life, her love, her everything, was taken from her. She did not know what to do with herself. 

And because she could not make that choice herself, she was guided, still sobbing, by her children away from the tree and back toward her den, half of a trek that would eventually wear itself into her mind as it would be worn into the earth. 

-Exit Tahlia and end thread-