
Just A Dream


01-18-2015, 03:51 AM
ooc; skype for q's <3
                    their collision is brutal, and a light bruise blossoms upon the front of her left shoulder blade in recoil as it successfully impacts its target upon the center portion of the boy’s left thigh. and her adversary is quick to pivot approximately sixty degrees to his own right, abruptly creating an obtuse angle between their rugged forms that sees the base of his tail relatively unscathed from murderous jaws that sought to sever the appendage from his body, her incisors merely grazing their intended target as the boy’s lower half maneuvers out of range of her ruthless grasp. and the elysius’ own pallid physique immediately seeks to pivot to her own right as she attempts to perpendicularly align herself with the outside portion of kaprasius’ left shoulder, causing the boy’s jaws to merely lacerate the taut flesh upon the upper portion of her targeted left forelimb, fourth-of-an-inch-deep gashes extending horizontally from the inside of her upper left forelimb and three inches outward towards the front of her upper left forelimb. yet the boy is unable to maintain a grip { and thus, unable to thrash his skull about or push his ‘weight’ into his bite, for that matter } upon her upper left forelimb due to the deity’s pivot to her own right and away from his slavering jaws, her fresh lacerations only left to fester with macabre crimson wine -- a masochist’s sweetest reverie.

however, the moderate injuries carved into the flesh of her upper left forelimb are not enough to deter the phantom from ruthless combat, and as her ally succumbs to defeat mere feet away, the deity’s adrenaline and will to annihilate only inflates and ascends. and a guttural snarl reverberates from the depths of the elysius’ larynx as her skull and jaws seek to lunge and reach towards her opponent’s spine, skull tipping faintly to her own right as her jaws attempt to once more grapple and DESTROY bone. her upper jaw strives to hook beneath the right side [kap’s right] of her adversary’s spinal column whilst her lower jaw will seek to latch upon the left side [kap’s left] of his spinal column, savage jaws aiming to connect approximately two inches behind the male’s shoulder blades and upon his spine -- aspiring to fracture the vertebrae located there and prospectively p a r a l y z e him for he and his whore’s transgressions. simultaneously, the exact center portion of the deity’s forechest will attempt to push forward and slam against the outside, muscular portion of kaprasius’ left shoulder in hopes of debilitating the boy’s balance { and hopefully bruising the tanned flesh } as she seeks to throw the entirety of her weight into the attempted thrust, her left forepaw similarly ascending { her weight shifting evenly between her three grounded limbs to accommodate the loss of stability in the elevated fourth appendage } before the phantom attempts to duly slam her left forepaw forcefully down upon the toes of her opponent’s own left forepaw, aspiring to break the fragile bones beneath her superior mass.

throughout the duration of the tyrant’s attempted assault, her defensive stance is inherent and unwavering: mismatched eyes narrowed to frigid slits, ears sewn against the contours of her lowered crown, chin tucked precariously towards the curvature of her throat, her neck scrunched and her shoulders rolled forward to fortify her precious jugular vein. her tail remains outstretched and aligned with the remainder of her paralleled spinal cord as her lips unfurl to expose ravenous incisors, barbaric jaws yet unhinged and abdominal muscles strategically tightened. and her limbs are continuously spaced equidistant apart, her weight evenly distributed among each grounded appendage and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, toes splayed and nails grappling with the familiar terrain beneath in an attempt to maintain balance and traction. for she will not allow these invaders the pleasure of secondary victory, her conviction resolute and firm: they would all suffer immensely from her merciless WRATH.



attacks -- pivoting to her own right in an attempt to align herself perpendicularly with the outer portion of kapra's left shoulder. exact center portion of chest aiming to thrust against the outside of kapra's left shoulder in an attempt to bruise the targeted flesh + debilitate kapra's balance. jaws tipping slightly to her own right, aiming to connect approximately two inches behind kapra's shoulders and around his spine -- top jaw hoping to hook beneath the right side of kapra's spine and lower jaw seeking to latch upon the left side of kapra's spine in hopes of fracturing the vertebrae located where her jaws aim to connect. left forepaw ascending before attempting to stomp into the toes of kapra's left forepaw, aspiring to break them beneath her superior weight.

injuries -- light bruising to the front of her left shoulder blade { recoil from her previous shoulder-attack }, moderate lacerations that extend from the inside of artemis' upper left forelimb and three inches horizontally outward towards the front of the left forelimb. 

notes -- confirmed by nyx that kapra was continuously aiming for art's left forelimb and that the mention of art's right forelimb was a mistake. also, for visual's sake, this was the { approved } sixty-degree angle kap pivoted to during the first round and is the obtuse angle between kap + art before art seeks to pivot.
table by lu.