
A Whale's Song


06-02-2013, 03:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 10:32 PM by Cherokee.)

She stopped at a respectable distance from him, allowing him a sufficient amount of personal space while at the same time respecting her own. The noise of the waves was overwhelming, so he assumed the proximity was to reduce the amount of yelling the pair would have to do in order to communicate with one another. Though the salty scent of the ocean was heavy, he could fairly detect the young woman?s scent. It wasn?t tainted by that of a pack, or even of a family. Was she too a rogue like himself, trying to find her own place inside of Alacritis? If that was the case, then if this meeting went well, perhaps she could be the first of what he hoped to be his many friends.

She was wary, which was natural. No one should be completely trusting of anyone, so he took no offense that she didn?t close the gap between them more. He wasn?t so quick to demonstrate his wariness of the outside world. He knew he was an imposing advisory; he was aware of his size. He wasn?t nearly full grown yet, but he was nearly there. There was no denying the power that rippled beneath his sizeable mass. That being said, he didn?t go around flaunting his power. If other noticed, well he couldn?t help it. He wasn?t cocky about his strength. If someone wanted to challenge him, he saw no quarrel with it, but he wasn?t actively seeking out others to prove he was better. The fact that there would always be someone better than him never left his mind. It was something that kept him humble, in his opinion atleast.

He could see her smile widening as she took him. Did something about him please her? Was it the way he looked? He could only wonder. And just as his last words fell from his lips, a giggle bubbled through hers. Did he amuse her? A self-conscious smile, reaching only half of his face, curled his jaws. How interesting that he amused her, barely even knowing her. He drew his attention to her words as she spoke, introducing herself as Song Destruction. That certainly was a different name. Suiting, if he thought so himself. His amusement bubbled to the surface as she presented him with a curtsy, a greeting he supposed before asking for his name. It pleases me more to make your acquaintance miss Song Destruction. I am Cherokee. he answered in response, extending his right foreleg, bending it slightly as he lowered his crown, presenting her with a bow of his own. His eyes returned to her face, noting her pretty smile still painted across her visage. Maybe Alacritis wasn?t so bad after all.

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