
Just A Dream

Aerndís I


5 Years
01-18-2015, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2015, 05:27 PM by Aerndís I.)
ooc:  At the time of my post you failed to respond to any of Katja's attacks.  As such the attacks had to be assumed as landed.  This decision was reviewed by the judging committee and approved by the head judge.

EDIT:  Removing the bit about the entrails.  BAM never happened. Sorry for being catty, but I did do my research before I posted.

Oh, this certainly was a treat!  Aern's eyes drank in the battle, her attention divided equally between spectating this clash of titans and the other spectators.  One never knew when they'd become the next target and she hated being taken by surprise.  The first victor would be the sleek, ebony woman who fought more viciously than any wolf Aern had encountered in quite some time.  Breath-taking in her violence, those bright silver eyes cutting into her opponent like blades, teeth rendering flesh, tearing into the russet woman as if she were nothing more than prey.  A hapless doe being torn to shreds.  Jaws sawed through the foolish bitch as the viking stole the womans eyes as well.  Beautiful…. simply stunning…. she wanted to fight this beast with ever fiber in her being!  But it would be best if the other wasn't nursing injuries.

The russet woman limped off to die but she was already gone from the goddess' mind.  Lavender eyes turned to the victor as she moved toward the woman, dipping her head in greeting and to show she had no plans to attack.  "Marvelous show… I haven't seen a warrior fight with such ferocity since I've been here.  I am truly impressed.  My name is Aerndís Thyre, a gladiator of distant lands and I would very much to battle you when you've healed." She grinned.  Aern sought the thrill of battle wherever she went and sought the opponents that could destroy her.  Only by fighting those stronger than she would she please the spirits of battle and earn her place in the after life. Only then could she grow sdtronger. "But that is a wish for another time I suppose… have you any interest in joining a pack?  I'm of Arcanum, a war-like pack to the West and we're always on the hunt for able bodies."
