
A Day To Remember (Demonio)


06-02-2013, 03:44 AM

A fairytale, a dream come true, his deepest desire fulfilled. That?s what his life was now. He had a home, a new family, albeit he didn?t really know many, a family none the less. But most importantly, he had Desdemona. Without her, nothing that he had would matter. He could have the biggest territory in the world, the most abundant prey possible, but without this woman at his side, what use would he have for it? In the short time they had wed, Desdemona had become such a big, big part of him. He could hardly remember the days when he hadn?t had her in his life. And in all honesty, he didn?t want to remember those days. They were of little importance to him. He had not been living during those times. He had never known the true meaning of life, never truly appreciated the gift he had been presented with until his wife had stepped before his eyes. Every breath he took, every blink of his eyes, every beat of his heart, every step of his paws was all for her. He lived for her. He existed for her. There was nothing on this planet that he wouldn?t do for her. He would go to hell and back, fight whoever he had to fight, just to keep that beautiful smile on her face. She was worth more to him than anything or anyone ever could.

As he?d made his way around her, he could see the trembling his caresses caused her. Damn, she wanted him, needed him just as much as he wanted and needed her. They were two halves of the same wolf after all. He wanted to take things slow, to make their union something truly unforgettable. But when Desdemona spoke, her angelic voice constricted into a moan, her dual jewels pleading as she begged him to take her, to fill her, to love her, to make her his, his control snapped. He couldn?t bare it anymore. Her body was calling to his and his body was done denying hers. He took the last few steps to close the gap between them, muzzle pressing into her sweetness, salmon ribbon lashing out to taste her. Good lord, how she was ready. A gentle nip was given to her right flank before Demonio hoisted himself up on his hind legs, forelimbs raising up and over her haunches. His paws were gentle as they hooked themselves around her hips, hind limbs bringing his body right up against hers. He pushed against her, testing her, once, twice, before he allowed himself to fill her. He was slow in his intrusion, allowing her body to adjust to him before he began his dance. He extended his neck until he was right beside her left ear, his breathing becoming ragged as his lips caressed her ear. My Desdemona, my beautiful, beautiful wife, I give myself to you in the most vulnerable demonstration of my love?

-FADE- (unless you wanna make one more post lol)

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