
Unwavering Determination

Rune I


5 Years
01-18-2015, 06:34 PM
Walk | Talk | Think
Rune was just as sour as Akemi was over the events that had transpired along the borders of his pack lands, though his reasons were slightly different. Where she was angry with the fight itself, he was upset that it had even needed to take place at all. What was wrong with rogues nowadays, assuming themselves above the rules and restrictions of packs even though they chose to associate with one? His lip curled as he thought about the scarred, silvery woman and the little red beast who had come to her aid. He had not noticed her right away, though he was glad he had not. Her coat held a stark resemblance to someone he knew, someone he wanted no association with, and he had been all too happy to see her fallen at the paws of his daughter and Akemi. Cousin by blood or not, no Sovaris were to set foot inside of his pack lands so long as he had a say. 

That day had made him cautious as well, paranoid that they might have a repeat of those same events again. He very well could have passed the job off to Eirik or even Kismet, both capable enough of defending the borders as well as he would if they put their minds to it, and especially since he was still healing, with Warja's help of course. In the end, however, he had chosen to tackle it himself; unless he saw with his own two eyes that things were well, there was no way his mind was going to be put to rest about the thing. 

He padded slowly, cautiously, along the border, his dark paws sluggish and his head just below his shoulders. His blue eyes stared outward and away from the pack territory as he slunk through the thick grasses of the Prairie, hoping their long stalks might mask his body from view for any wanderers who thought to drift too close. In truth, it seemed to do the same for those within the pack lands too. He had not seen, nor, he suspected, was he seem by, the other who tread through the Prairie away from him, only heard the success of the kill and the subsequent rending of that meal there in the field. Curious, perhaps a little concerned as well, Rune cast one final glance away along the border before he turned and maneuvered through the thick grass to find this fellow Secretuan. 

Akemi was standing over her small kill, looking rather lost in thought, and though he could possibly guess at where her frustrations stemmed from, Rune figured he ought to delve a little deeper and see if he was able to get some more concrete answers out of her. But not before commenting upon the obvious. "It was a biter then?" he asked rather flatly, glancing between the torn up prairie dog and the Scout. Likely it was too simple an explanation for Akemi's thorough work at ending its life, but it was certainly a possibility. He would have been tempted to go a little beyond what was necessary in those instances too. 

OOC: Not sure myself what Rune's exact injuries are going to be from that fight, but just gonna not mention any of it for the sake of continuity and having this thread. xD