


01-18-2015, 06:54 PM

Silveris yawned before the soft sound of another moving forward quickly made her snap to attention. A white and brown male appeared, and the female glanced at the one who didn't appear to be older than she was. But he was taller than her, by six inches, and that made her a little nervous, especially when he looked at her stomach. The Latchme jumped to her paws, prepared to run if she had to, since she didn't want a fight. And the last thing she wanted was a fight with an alpha, who had members of the pack to back him up. If the wolf, Bass, proved to be aggressive  Silveris had no choice but to run. The male looked strong, and she was not trained to fight, instead being better at hunting.

Silveris was so determined on asking if Bass had met a wolf named Biull that she didn't notice her mate until he was beside her. The brown and white female jumped, her green eye wide until she realized who it was. She nuzzled Emery, wagging her tail at the darker male. With a glance at Bass, she sighed, and glanced at Emery again, before she got enough courage to ask the male about Biull.

"It's very nice to meet you, Bass. I'm Silveris Latchme, and this is my mate, Emery. We're looking for my brother, and we were wondering if you had seen him? He's brown, and he has speckles on him. He was around us before the storm, and then he left with Emery so they could go hunting. I had to leave where we had taken shelter, and it was a while before I reunited with Emery. But he said that he hadn't seen Biull ever since I had to leave."

The brown and white female glanced at Emery again, falling silent. Really, it was the most she had said to a wolf she didn't know all that well since the storm.


Art by Arin