
Don't Ask



5 Years
01-18-2015, 07:28 PM
Walk | Talk | Think
Callisto wondered, however fleetingly, how long would have been the acceptable time before she could decide that Kassander was not going to show up and pretend to go about her business of reintegrating herself into pack life. It would have been nice, maybe too nice, to not have to go through the awkward questioning and unwanted concern about the events that had drawn her away so long, particularly since they were things she did not in the least wish to think about. The sooner she forgot about her personal demon, and the spawn he had stolen from her, the better everything was going to be. Or so the young mother kept telling herself. 

She was no less prepared when the timid boy-king arrived, ears tucked and looking...actually, much like she remembered him. Aside from the fact he strolled right for her and spoke her name, a clear invitation for her to begin her tale, he did not carry the assertive, self-confidence that his sister and mother, that even Katja, had when they had ruled. It was strange, but at the same time she wondered if maybe it would not actually be better this way. He had a healer's eye, and that was plenty good enough to get answers when someone wished not to speak. 

Her silvery blue eyes regarded him with mild curiosity a moment, still getting used to the fact this was going to the be one she needed to bring all of her issues to, the one who was supposed to make everything better in the pack now, and shifted quickly away when she felt a presence come up along her side. She tensed at first, the shadowy form so quiet that she had failed to realize he was near, but upon recognizing Maximous, rabbits in tow, she relaxed again. For being nothing more than a mentor and a teacher, he was sure taking great pains to make her transition as easy and comfortable as possible, and though she had yet to say so aloud she was grateful for it. 

Letting her gaze and attention slide back over to Kassander, she spoke the simple, straightforward statement that she had been rehearsing in her mind, one that avoided the true issue but still made clear why she was here again. "Max said you were king now," she stated, her flat tone not altogether hiding her disbelief. It was still going to take some getting to used to, but that was beside the fact. "I wanted to let you know that I'm back, and I won't be going anywhere again." Not so much a request to rejoin as it was an address of her absence, Callisto wanted to keep her place here in Ebony. Leaving had been the furthest thing on her mind when she had wandered off that fateful day, and now that she was back she was reluctant even to set another foot outside the border again.