
The World Crumbling Beneath Me

The Judge


01-18-2015, 07:59 PM


Round 1

7 for clarity: -1 “She would aim to come at him head on...”  Is she running? With the slam she's attempting, how quickly she's moving will make a difference -1 “Her course would adjust slightly in an attempt so that she was aligned more with his left side.” More specifics are needed here; what body part is she trying to align with?  -1 “...her crown tipping to her right as she sought to grab a hold of the left side his throat...” Is her whole head rotating so that her chin is rising to her left or is it merely tilting in place? The difference is enough to render this attack useless which is why I counted off for it.
10 for powerplaying.  None seen
10 for defenses.  +1 for each seen to max of 10
7 for attack. +2 Shoulder slam plus 0 for maim (given the distance I don't think it's plausible), +3 for bite, +2 for stomp
10 for injuries.First round

Cataleya's round one total: 44/50


7 for clarity:  -1 How far did Apollo lower his head? -2 “...his teeth attempting to lock around her left foreleg.” How is he trying to place his teeth and where on her foreleg?
6 for powerplaying. -1 “He was hoping to grab her leg around the left ankle” Given Cat's hold on his scruff, it seems unlikely that he could reach so far down without pulling from her grasp, something that would need to be attempted. -2 What happened to Cat's toe stomp? If you dodged it or are trying to intercept it you need to say so. -1 “He then tried to pull his own leg back...” That's a conditional. Next time make it one fluid movement and you'll be good
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen to max of 10
5 for attack. +3 for bite and +1 for maim attempt, +1 leg swipe
10 for injuries.First round

Apollo's round one total: 38/50

Round 2

9 for clarity: -1 “....she sought to bring her weight down across the left upper portion of his neck ” What part of her is she hoping to push against him with?
9 for powerplaying. -1 “However, his jaws would land just above her left ankle, rather than around her ankle like intended.” How did his bite miss it's target? Either you need to move to change the point of impact or explain how Cat's current movements led to the attack missing it's target.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen to max of 10
5 for attack. +4 for bite/grip attempt, 1+ for shove/slam
7 for injuries. -1 for moderate bruise to left shoulder, -2 for moderate puncture wounds to left forepaw

Cataleya's round two total: 40/50

10 for clarity:  All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
8 for defenses.  +1 for each seen
4 for attack. +3 for bite  and +1 for maim attempt, 0 for shoulder jutting forward because Apollo made not attempt to cause injury (like pushing forward) and he did it after Cat had already shoved into him so there wasn't much of a chance for her own momentum causing injury.
7 for injuries.  -2 moderate puncture wounds (I asked another judge on this and we agreed that more damage should have been taken here since no attempt was made to alter Cat's attack in a way that might lessen the damage. Because of this, it's a bit unrealistic that she would only manage to get fur and a bit of skin) -1 minor bruising

Apollo's round two total: 39/50


Cataleya: 84/100
Apollo: 77/100

And the winner is...

CATALEYA! Apollo must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and now belongs to Cataleya.


Cataleya: 3 OOC days for the moderate bruise to heal, 1 OOC week for moderate puncture wounds to heal

Apollo: 1 OOC week for moderate puncture wounds to heal,  3 OOC days for minor bruising to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For both players: Nothing to note, it was a good fight!

- By [Lazuli]