
i'll stumble and fall



8 Years
Extra large
01-18-2015, 08:35 PM

Large white marked paws carried the giant of a wolf quietly from the edge of the beach. Large palms and exotic leafy herbs creating a private den like thicket that was shared by the monster and his daughter. He'd moved them here after Gwena's introduction to his sweet child, when her mother came back he didn't intend to let Shaye go alone. The tribe had vanished, there were no scents of them any longer, all that tied him here had been his love for Gwena. She'd left him though, easily, when she'd seen the girl that was now at his side. His heart hurt more than he'd have ever imagined. He'd really lost her. 

The sight of Shaye at his heels would ease his suffering, at the least she was a welcome distraction for the pain. He had no time to think about what was lost when he had to care for a child on his own. He'd woken her up as he did every morning, though now that she had learned his routine he often found that she was waking him. He had nuzzled her awake and the two had made their way from their shaded den and out onto the sparkling sands like they did every day. He didn't want to miss Motif. He was ready to leave his home, his family, his goddess.. all for his tiny mistake. She was worth every moment. 

He'd lean over and nudge her shoulder playfully, already she was so tall, her long legs were an easy indication of her future height. She was taking after him in so many ways. "Maybe today is the day?" He'd offer in his language, a habit he was having trouble getting out of. They came here regularly, just in case Motif decided she was ready to see her baby again. He knew that he would be unable to be with out her under his watchful gaze. 
"Yoruban" "English"