
Rookie Mistake



10 Years
Extra large
01-18-2015, 09:41 PM
Áki watched the man silently. Though he appeared to be older than himself, his antics were childlike, consumed by a frantic sort of panic. If only he knew that he could likely escape the earth's grasp if he only calmed himself instead of flailing about wildly.

And yet his presence brought an air of surprise to the stranger. An exasperated sigh left his lips at the man's question. "Why the hell do I keep getting asked that?" he spat quickly, and loudly, his deep voice booming over the vast land that separated the two of them. Brows would furrow indignantly and he found his nose scrunching slightly.

A huff escaped from his wide chest. No matter what this wolf said to him, he needed help; and while he was not the most selfless of creatures, it would do him no good to watch someone struggle to their death. He would grumble something under his breath as he moved forward precariously, feeling the sand beneath his paws give slightly. "I am just a wolf," he would huff, hardly loud enough for Lebrah to hear. "And nothing more!"

The land was dangerously soft below his paws, but he would carefully navigate the terrain, directing himself toward the rapidly sinking man. His movements were extremely precise, a sense of calm washing over him as he brought himself closer. "Stop panicking," he told him sternly. "Try to grab hold of me somehow." Slowly he would direct his massive form closer to his, unsure if it would be best to try to get the man to climb onto his back -- the weight might be too great and send them quickly plummeting into the quicksand...