
We Belong Way Down Below


01-19-2015, 12:24 AM
Dione would leave her meal behind the new and unknown child as she slowly approached her daughter who wriggled with excitement and grinned at Dione's approach. Little green tail would thump against the ground and Dione would grin at her, excited to see her daughter excited. The boy would stay tactfully silent as Dione allowed Ganja to decide the boy's fate. But she would not give the answer that Dione wanted to hear… No he was not a monster? A brow would quirk curiously at her daughter, head tipping do bangs would drift lazily over ruby gaze before eyes would turn towards the boy. Dione looked around, searching for any sign of this boy's parents before Ganja would speak, snapping her out of her trance and drawing her attention back down to the pair at her paws. Could they keep him? "Sure… What will you name him?" Dione would ask her daughter, smiling softly before stepping forward and around the boy, moving to retrieve the hunk of meat she had brought back for her children. It was time for them to be weaned after all. She would move back around and drop the meat between them both and looking at them both. "Eat up, you both need to be strong." Dione would instruct. She had been hunting monsters, she needed them to gain their strength.

ooc;; its wolf meat that she's feeding them, just a chunk of thigh with no flesh on it :) sorry for the short! going on a dione rampage tonight.