
It's Never Enough


01-19-2015, 05:34 AM

Leaning her head onto his shoulder, she would let him plant his kisses on her head. She had grown confused over the situation, hoping that they were right about their father. Zola wasn't sure if she was more scared of him being angry than wanted to run away with Lian. Did she hate her siblings enough?

"I think I'm ready to go back in."

Maybe not, but she couldn't stay awake forever... and there was no way she was sleeping outside tonight, not even with Lian keeping her warm. She would wait for him to move to follow him back in the den, showing that she still didn't want to go. But she spoke a couple more words that could satisfy her.

"Maybe he'll just be happy with his new kids..."

She could only hope, because when they did decide to run away, maybe Lel would be plenty occupied with the new children to worry or care where his other ones were. She would clench her eyes to let the last couple tears fall. Maybe she felt like she wasn't good enough for her father. She only wished they could pull Jian away with them...

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