
We Belong Way Down Below


01-19-2015, 10:33 AM
Her little bud would not question her mother as Dione considered Ganja's request to keep the boy. Dione was a mother, despite recent disputes, and she knew how enraged she would be if another touched her child. She would not put that burden on another parent ever but it would seem that this child was alone in the world, alone without protection and without the love of a parent. Dione could give him protection... As she replied Ganja's grin would widen, tail thumping in pleasure much like a child would grin if given a puppy on Christmas. She would consider her mothers question for a moment before she would reply, saying he looked like an owl and that they would name him Hoot. Dione's brows would furrow as she considered this name, turning her attention to the boy as she moved towards him. He would tense, ready to fight and she would flash him no reassuring smile that she would not attack him. Instead eyes were cold and harsh as she regarded him. Little beast... She would snort as she watched him as one might regard a crab. They could pinch but they were far from dangerous. Ganja would dive into her meal but the boy would hold off, instead yelling his objections to the name Ganja had given him. "You need to learn some manners..." She would say, her voice deadly as chin tipped up so she would study him over the bridge of her nose. "Eat." She would say again, this time her words were a blanket statement with something trailing at the end of her tone. 'Or else...' If he was to stay with them then he would have to learn some manners. "You will stay with us until your parents return for you, I will feed you and you may live with our family. I cannot in good concience leave a child out here to fend for himself. Not with so many monsters lurking who would so happily gobble you up..." She would say, one brow quirking as if dating him to question her before once more motioning towards the food. Eat...