
The Swaying Grasses



06-02-2013, 09:31 AM


As soon as her uncle started walking, Orica was racing off into the grass. She'd drop dead into a nap in an hour or so but for now she had enough energy to light up a small star. She rushed off into the grasses that were tall enough to be a jungle. They waved and danced and meshed over her head like a canopy. One could almost imagine howler monkeys and macaws crying over head.

Even when her marbled form disappeared in the green, it was still easy to track her movements - the grass bent and rustled in a line where-ever she went - like waves the ocean or dirt rippling from a mole tunnel. She'd scoot out ahead and then swirl back around. She wouldn't have a prayer of keeping up with her uncle if he decided to run, but so long as he was just walking, she could skip circles around him.

Soon enough they were out of the tall grasses and closer to the forest. Here the mountain roots created valleys and dips, where the harsher winds seldom entered. This would be the perfect place to look!

Orica adopted the serious look of a hound-dog on a scent trail. She looked at each plant with wonder, lowering her wide blue eyes to the level of the leaves and blossoms. She drank in the words that Rogue gave - Ginseng meant fever stopper. She knew what a fever was, well sorta, it was when your head got hot and your paws got shakey. "How does it do that?" she asked "How much do you eat?"

The next one had a silly name. Gerannie- er- Germie - no, no - Gertani - Well whatever it was, she knew what it looked like now. And this was a good one because it helped with bleeding. "What are canker sores?" she asked. "Are they really bad?"

The last one they found was her favorite though. A whole tree of medicine! It looked a bit like the rock-willows that were more common in the mountain crags, but those were just bushes really, this was a tree! Orica couldn't focus on Rogue's lessons at first - she had to make herself dizzy running in and out of the curtain of trailing leaves. In she ran for the fourth time and then popped her head back out, giggling. "Heehee - I'm invisdible!"

She liked the white willow. It certainly made her happy. And now she knew three plants! Ginseng for fevers, Gerani-something for bleeding, and the Funny Willow for a whole bunch of stuff.
