
Voltage Elementas



6 Years
01-19-2015, 06:31 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Arin
Age: 20

Character's Name: Voltage
Character Age: 3
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 35 inches
Appearance Description: Where Glacier is the wall, the bulk, the massive tank, Voltage is the more streamlined sweeper. He is made compact, his muscles bound and taunt but not bulky, his height perfect at 35” and his weight an easy 144lbs. From nose to tail he doesn’t have a single extra bulge, perfectly aerodynamic. It makes him swift, a runner, a speedy fighter. His boundless energy helps him move, to leap and bound easily at any speed he can achieve. He may not be able to wall any attack, to stand strong against any weight, but he can move so quick and easily that damage would be hard to land. The base of his fur is a deep charcoal, a color that runs in the family, but that’s where the resemblance stops. Where the shining colors of his parents seem to spread around the other siblings, Voltage was lucky to receive the colors that matched his energy and name so easily (or perhaps the name came after the colors). Yellow spreads along his back, darkening to soft muddy yellow-black or brightening to an almost white as it streaks down to his tail. Along both shoulders it strikes down, almost in a bolt like fashion, down the back of his limbs and to his toes. His hind legs it borders the boney edge of his haunches before spreading down to his toes in an easy curving line. Ears dip in white-yellow paint aswell, and the colors splash along his nose and over his eyes in the sharpest yellows on his coat. His eyes don’t stand out much, a gentle grey yellow that almost seems likes storm clouds shining in the depths.

Proof of Purchases: Abnormal Color