
High ho! High ho! That's the way we go!


06-02-2013, 10:02 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2013, 10:41 AM by Thane.)
He had a dreamless sleep, one that was also quite nice.Snuggled up next to his beloved and their children did warmth fill their den. Thane took in a a good sniff before groggily opening his aqua blue eyes. Snow, he smelt snow... The brute knew winter had been coming for a while but he wasn't expecting to be this surprised when it actually snowed again. The comfort the weather brought was pure bliss and brought a smile to the male's maw. With a yawn he gently stood up and made his way to the entrance of the den, trying not to disturb the puppies or Ookami. Then of course he remembered he was born in this wonderful season, oh by the stars he was getting old; Thane would be four now.

As Thane had made his way to the entrance of the den he poked his head out of the entrance and looked around. Quietly and cautiously he set a paw out of the den and let the rest follow. White lined ears perked up at the soft crunch of the snow underneath. The male took a deep breath as he then watched the puff of air as he exhaled. His aqua blue gaze averted to the branch nearby and saw his sleeping companion Cyril. The eagle had his neck bunched up with hie feathers fluffed up a little bit. Surely Cyril wasn't cold; he'd spent more than enough time with Thane in the Russian tundra. Heck, Cyril was even born there as well as Thane! Who were they kidding, perhaps this warm weather here had made them soft, or Cyril perhaps. Thane's dark winter coat had came in and the cold was not felt by him; when it was he relished it and didn't want to forget how it felt.

"Rossiya svyashchennaya nasha derzhava. Rossiya- Iyubimaya nasha strana. Moguchaya volya, velikaya slava. tvoyo dostoyanye na vse vremena! Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye. Bratskikn naradov soyuz vekovoy. Predkami dannaya mudrost narodnaya. slav'sya, stran! My gordimsya toboy. Ot yuzhnky morey do polyarnogo kraya. Raskinulis' nashi lesa i polya. Odna ty na svete! Odna ty takaya. Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya zemlya!" he quietly sang to himself to not disturb anyone; only doing the first verse of many.

sitting on his haunches, the wolf looked around and watched the snowflakes fall. This weather wasn't all that great for the puppies, it was cold. But surely they would make it, they were part Russian. A smile appeared on Thane's maw. Funny how he even thought about it now. White lined ears faced backwards as he heard a small footfall behind him. Which brave should had decided to leave the safety and warmth of the den to follow hm outside? Of course the brute wasn't far, he was just a foot or two in front of the entrance.

The smile never ceased as he continued to sit on his haunches and wait.