
Plot with me!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
01-19-2015, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2015, 12:20 PM by Nyx.)

Áki Jarvela

independent - benevolent - adventurous - selfish - spiritual

Currently: Wandering in the East, hanging out with his sisters. Maybe wandering near Imperium a bit...

Áki is a 5 year old tribal wolf, hailing from a small group of wolves from the far North. He decided a few years ago to leave his tribe, beginning to find life monotonous and predictable. He is nomadic to the core, used to traveling and rarely staying in one place, and his restlessness has led him to Alacritia. He values his individualism and free will above all else and will never settle down in a pack. He is usually laid-back, though can be serious when necessary. He is not above fighting if he feels threatened.

Looking for: Friends (always), wolves to mentor, love interests (either gender)
Not looking for: A pack, someone to settle down with right away, mortal enemies (hard to piss him off enough for him to dwell on it)


quiet - loving - pacifist - curious

Currently: Wandering toward the southern continent, slowly to look for her parents and Steel (her parents are deceased but she doesn't know it yet).

Ara is a 2 year old healer, currently living in Fiori with her mate Novel, and their two sons, Psalm and Hymn - though they have left for a bit to search for her family. She is a healer at heart, though is a bit reclusive and withdrawn, preferring to keep to herself and her wife. Despite this, she is good at heart and willing to help anyone in need, though her trust is difficult to gain.

Looking for: Nothing right now; closed for plots until she returns home.

Epiphron Adravendi

proud - independent - slightly narcissistic - steadfast

Currently: Handing Fiori over to her son, though intends to remain there and aid him.

Epiphron is a 6 year old that lives in FIori. She ruled Valhalla briefly for a time, and marrying Maverick Tahir-Mathias, she became Queen of the Kingdom of Seracia. She grew detached from her position of leadership after giving birth to two litters of children, and since she has mainly kept to herself, particularly after learning that her husband had cheated on her and left her. As for personality, she is strongly independent and fiercely proud of her lineage. After being betrayed by the man she loved, she has grown slightly more vindictive -- and her brother's death only has brought further hate into her heart, though she has learned to control it well.She cares for her family more than anything and will defends them with her life.

Looking for: Friends, family to reunite with, a love interest (might not come easily - has proven to only be interested in men but has a soft spot for strong women that might be open for exploration?)
Not looking for: -

Kaprasíus Sigrunn Finnvi

manic - hedonistic - voyeuristic - intense - fearless - zealous

Currently: Hanging out with Katja in Yfir.

Kaprasíus is my 5 year old Viking. Currently, he is in Yfir, having sworn his lifelong loyalty to his cousin Katja. They are both religious zealots, though in their own ways, and though are quite different from one another he has sworn his service to her until the end. Truthfully, he is fairly twisted though it is not always immediately apparent. He is a religious fanatic and he lives and breathes firstly for his gods, and secondly for the Finnvi family. He is chaotic and unpredictable at times, rarely touched by fear, always disturbingly jovial and ceaselessly alight with a manic sort of frenzy that can not easily be calmed. He will dive headfirst into any situation, however dangerous and regardless of the consequences. He has no fear of battle or pain (note: he has a amputated tail, and a nasty scar that blinded him in his right eye) and is down for pretty much anything!

Basically, don't thread with him if you don't want bad things to happen. He can be pleasant (albeit creepy) at times, though not always; he is not beyond things such as kidnapping, maiming, and raping if pushed to it -- he doesn't fear repercussions of his actions and doesn't have much of a conscience. I can't promise he'll be in any particular mood when you thread with him!. I'll try to be wary of what you want in a thread but he seems to have a mind of his own when I write him.

Looking for: Literally anything. Spar partners, enemies, ...friends? (might not come easily unless you're down for doing drugs with him or learning about his culture/religion), extremely temporary love interests (like, one night stands), slaves, kids to kidnap, wolves to mentor
Not looking for: Mates

Lark Sartaddi-Destruction

loyal - passionate - abrasive - egotistical - amoral

Currently: Hanging out in Abaven, sulking over most of his family leaving. Slowly growing more proud of himself.

Lark is a yearling male, son to Bass and Wren in Abaven. Still a yearling he is not yet fully developed. He is more serious than most of his siblings, prone to speaking brashly and without thinking, still learning his place in the world. He will grow to be extremely cocky and protective of his family, and will be willing to do literally anything for his family, regardless of the consequences.

Looking for: Friends (especially within Abaven or close by), enemies (easily gained if you badmouth his family or himself), a crush (either someone very similar to him, or someone extremely different)
Not looking for: -

Lysis Armada

duplicitous - fiery - controlling - manipulative - hot-headed

Currently: getting to know her fellow packmates in Imperium, soon wanting to strive for a higher rank.

Lysis has recently joined Imperium after discovering her deceased littermate's children are living there. She'll likely strive for a higher fighting rank once she's gotten more comfortable there. She is extremely attached to her brother Kyarst and doesn't spend much time far away from him since their recent reunion. On the surface, she seems like quite a sweet, whimsical lady. She is flirtatious and bold and fully unafraid of most things. To those close to her, it is obvious she is far more dark than she lets on -- she is sharp and cold, like the edge of a knife, and deeply manipulative. She has a need to control those close to her and can be quite brash and chaotic and is angered with ease.

Looking for: Anyone in Imperium to get to know, possible love interests (she's in a sort-of open relationship with her brother Kyarst) for the drama, enemies, spar partners.
Not looking for: Serious relationships

Seneca Zatol

childish - depraved - eccentric - obsessive - selfish

Currently: Coming to Ala with his brother Gethin.

Seneca is a 2 year old wolf. Though physically a man, he seems very much like a child. He is immature and strange, and quite obsessive too. It isn't difficult to tell he is mentally stunted. He is attached to his brother Gethin. He has a weird penchant for collecting strange - and gross - objects, and is quite twisted despite how childish he might appear.

Looking for: Friend (play-mates?), companions, anyone!
Not looking for: Love, relationships, flings, anything like that


cold - fearless - conflicted - cynical

Currently: Wandering in the Southern Continent with Faria. Has no idea what to do next.

Steel is a yearling male, and is the youngest child of Bronze and Silent. They were allowed to leave Ludicael while the others remained prisoner, and have traveled south since then. He took care of his parents for some time until they both passed, and since then he has wandered on his own. He is cold and detached most of the time -- he harbors some guilt that he has been allowed to live free while his older siblings still remain prisoner. Though he doesn't connect with others easily, he still has a bit of childish curiosity in him and I'd love for him to try to make some friends if possible. He has a tendency to focus on things that are pretty and exotic to him, and he grows fond of those that are kind to him despite his own cold demeanor.

Looking for: Friends, crushes (unsure if he is going to stay with Faria or not), family to reunite with
Not looking for: -