
Áki's sister



10 Years
Extra large
01-19-2015, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2015, 10:40 PM by Áki.)
Announcing.... Áki's sister!

Thanks to Fox for this gorgeous design!

So, because I'm really enjoying this new character, I'd love for his sister to come into play (you may be able to convince me a brother would work, too). I don't have a ton figured out for his history yet, other than that they were part of a small, nomadic tribe and that Áki grew disinterested in the monotony of family life, and eventually left the tribe to explore on his own.

Keep in mind Áki's own personality when applying. Their tribe valued family and individualism, as well as free-will and being self-sufficient. It is unlikely a sibling of his will be completely evil, though just as unlikely they will be completely good either. They were raised to be a bit self-interested, though are (generally) good at heart. They were raised to be strong and fearless, and do not shy away from fighting when the time comes for it. I'd like for his sister to be a bit more dark than him, if at all possible.

Seriously though, have fun with it, as I don't have anything in particular in mind. We can come up with a lot of history things together, too!

Here's a helpful list of female finnish names as well (which is where their family's names come from), here.Also, I'd like for her to be larger if possible and am willing to help pay for whatever is necessary, within reason, including markings and height. Don't let price be a factor in applying; I will help.

[b]Age[/b]: (doesn't have to be a littermate necessarily; I'll assume they have other siblings)
[b]Other[/b]: Feel free to include any interesting ideas you have about their family, the dynamic between the two of them, etc.