
Trouble, Just Like My Mother


01-20-2015, 12:13 AM

Butt... The fuck out? Akemi would stare at Thor, appaled. Did he... Did he really dare to go there? The female would fluff up her fur, a snarl ripping from her body as Hati, after not so gracefully breaking Freyr’s jaw, would turn his attention on her too. The small female was shaking with rage. She saw red and, in that moment, she could have hurt them. Both of them.

“Of course it’s not fucking true!” Her words were a snap, short of a scream. “I wanted them to have a normal fucking childhood, was that so wrong? To at least believe the world wasn’t so screwed up from the start? To have a chance at being children, unlike we did? I would have told them when they were old enough to understand, but no, uncle fucking Hati and Thor run in, huffing and puffing and throwing around accusations, rather than asking fucking questions. Do either of you even have any brains left?!” Akemi was pratically frothing at the mouth.

“...Are you proud of yourself? How you’ve ruined two more children by your actions? Get the hell out of my sight, and stay away from my son and daughter, or so help me I will make you regret it.”

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno