
We are together now


01-20-2015, 12:20 AM

Allen’s eyes shown, the life, the light in his body seeming to rise all the more. His beloved was with him, his personal sun raining light upon his body. He would wag his tail up in the air, grinning widely. His body would rise off the ground, and the calico would spring forth as if he were a rabbit, mind forgotten of the herbs. There was just them too, their day turning into something truly carefree. He would call over his shoulder to Nona, “Then let the chase begin!” Oh how much younger he felt. How full of energy. The future stretched on with promise. Nona had ranked up, doing what she could to achieve a respectable rank within the pack. She would need to step up her game, just as he would. Allen was going to do all he could to prove to Bass that he deserved to be back in Abaven. But this moment was for them... And perhaps it was the moment getting to him, but Allen could feel his heart racing in a way it had only once before.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah