
Just A Dream


01-20-2015, 12:39 AM
A slave. The man would bristle, feeling his aggitation rise. What right did this woman have to try and lay claim to his child? What right did she have to try and take Mystic away from her family, from the ones who loved her? Kar would bristle, feeling the grow rising in his throat. This woman was getting involved in a family whom was not hers to tamper with. Kar would not forgive this, no, he most certainly would not. He would wrap his head around his daughter, feeling his aggression rise.

Another woman ran towards him, her threat an empty thing. His green gaze would shift to the red woman, giving a sigh. “I am not threatening the boy. I’m merely here for my daughter, no more, no less.” The sounds of the fighting continued by them, and when Kar lifted his gaze he was met with silver hues. The woman’s words were finally met with a growl of the man, his gaze glowering like a beast.

“Business? And what buisness do you dare try to deal, hm? Trying to steal away children. You mark my words, if you dare hurt my daughter I will ensure you rue the day you even thought to approach one of the Savvil line.” The man was no great warrior, but his mother had been strong, as had his father. If he had to he would fight for Mystic, though not before telling her mother of what he needed to do. He would not have the rest of his family endangered.