
Frozen Insights {Bera}


01-20-2015, 12:48 AM

Pamela was alone, but not for long. Soon another would come along, keeping a respectful distance. Head would turn in the direction of the other, identified as scent and silloutte to be... Canine. Perhaps another wolf, like herself, though she seemed to lack her ears. Still, Pamela had heard of such cruelties being done to others. Though Pamela had not seen such horrors herself due to her disorder, she had heard tale in her travels. Not all creatures were peaceful after all.

“Oh? Ah ha, I guess I was just enjoying myself out here. Though winter can be a lonely season, I find it refreshing in some ways.” Pamela would tilt her head to the side, trying not to seem too off or strange. That was when trouble tended to start. “Are you all alone? You seem... Young?” The statement she intended came out more as a question. She was basing her assumption off scent and size alone, sadly. But she was genuinely concerned. If the other was truly young she shouldn’t be wandering off about by herself. Pamela’s mind would drift towards her adoptive son. She would need to check on him after the female was on her way.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Riv