
Thunderbolts and Lightning!



6 Years
01-20-2015, 02:04 AM
Voltage was, unsurprisingly, nowhere near the dens. Infact, he rarely, if ever, spent a single moment solid moment on the volcano. He was constantly moving, running about the lands to try and find a more suitable home, to see if there are packs out there that could hold all of his siblings, or rather, he merely just ran around the lands in his own exploration. He loved the adventure and the new lands, and yet he had not stopped long enough to meet a single wolf. Perhaps this wasn't helping his cause, but he really didn't care. Yet, it seemed luck would have it that at that exact moment Voltage decide it was a rather smart idea to make an appearance with his siblings. The second his paws touched the warmth of the volcanic stone he heard his name shouted from the heavens. And with a grin, he instantly knew exactly who the caller was. His lips spread wider as a toothy grin over took his boyish features. With an excited growl he bolted, racing up towards his sister. The scent around her was sharp, calling, but forbidden. He breathed in the volcanic air, the aura around her. It almost seemed like the entire earth was excuding her energy. With a gentle yip he bounded and leaped towards her, a grin on his lips. "You called, my dear firey princess?" He said with a playful grin, moving to shove and push his shoulder against hers, moving to nip at the scruff of fur along her neck. "You seem so restless, little sister. How may dear old volty entertain your mind?" He would circle around her, an expecting smile on his face. Perhaps she would want to run, to race, to fight, to train or even to explore this land a little further. Something, anything from being stuck on this mountain while the elder ones searched for homes for their tired little head. He hummed lightly, moving to step infront of his passionate sister once more and tilted his head just so to the side. "Being stuck on this rock must be such a drag. While I go running through this new world you're here with nothing but your element and glacier to ease your sorrows. Tell me, has dear brother, and the others, been helping keeping you from your pent up energy?"

"Burn Baby Burn"