
Thunderbolts and Lightning!



6 Years
01-20-2015, 03:16 AM
A gasp pulled from him, storming eyes so wide with mock fear. "No, my liege, not the volcano!" He whined, bowing just slightly. He allowed her the nips along his cheek, his grin spreading even wider as she nipped and jumped around, and he spun just slightly to keep facing her. Stormy eyes shawn with excitement, knowing that when they got this way they would have the most fun together. He shuffled away from her biting maws, tilting his head to her. "Now now, Sere, is that any way for a lady to behave?" He chuckled, bowing down just so as she leapt over him, to keep her from hitting him accidentally, to ensure a safe landing. Volcanic rock was not so safe.

He swivelled around to face her again, laughing so boisterously at the joke. "Don't let Glace hear you say such a thing, Sere!" He laughed after her, bounding across the rock and stone with unrivaled swiftness, a forever grin upon his lips. He chased after his sister, pausing only momentarily to watch how she decended before letting out a booming, echoing laugh, and chasing her down the mountain side. Rock and dust puffed around him like smoke, darkening his bright yellow fur, laughing all the way. It seemed to scratch at her pads, cutting through skin and the rocks ached his worn feet, but he continued to move, the adrenaline pushing him as he left from path to path, following his litter sister's lead. "My sweet, what events do you have planned for us?" He called, panting and laughing as he chased after her "Shall I be worried, excited or a mix of the two?"

"Burn Baby Burn"