
A meeting...of business



6 Years
01-20-2015, 04:12 AM
After his play, he had some business to attend too. After bidding fairwell to his sweet firemaiden, he ventured to the top of the tower where his real objective lay. His brother, the ice monster of the family, the largest of bodies and of hearts. He had missed his brother when his rather short attention span practically forced him to trek the entirety of the land for some entertainment. It had been him and Glacier that he lead their young siblings, that had fended for them and sought to find a suitable home for their tight knit family. It was them that had started this all and Voltage needed his brother in this moment. He climbed to the mountain top, feeling the rocks grow hotter as he ventured, a large spring hare in his grasp as he reached his brother's den. It was spring, and they had reached another year. If his siblings had wanted too, they could easily go off without him, without Glacier and start their own lives. It panged him to know how quickly time was slipping by, to see his siblings grow older and know how easily it would be to lose them all in one fell swoop. Spring also meant another year, and another litter, if their mother could continue to produce. Why they continued to endlessly have children Voltage may never know, but it meant another set to be abandoned when their year was up. They had to know the love of their family, the closeness the elemental siblings seemed to share. They had to, and that was what was on Voltage's mind. He had paced endlessly when the snow had melted away, the same shuddering heart beat knowing more lost soles would be produced and tossed aside like they meant nothing. He would not allow his siblings, his precious brothers and sisters, feel the extent of hte pain he felt, feel the abandonment and lack of parental love he ached from each day. He hated how angry he was at the wolves that began all this, at the ones that continued to bring unloved life into this world, and how much it still affected his four years of life. Spring was not a happy time for the brightly coated wolf, but it brought about another year tacked onto their lives. He had a plan, a plan to bring this season of abandonment and rejection and waste of production into a happier light. Their family was large, but close, and he wanted none to feel any pain. Oh, Voltage had a plan.

He stood before his brother's den, a grin on his lips as he dropped the freshly killed hare and he poked his head inside. "Dear brother, might I have a word?" He called, hoping his brother was here, hoping that he hadn't climbed a mountain for no reason at all. If Glacier was at the base of the volcano, or worse, out on his own, Voltage would have to guilt him relentlessly for the wasted energy (of which Voltage's supply was endless)

"Burn Baby Burn"