
It Hurts So Much



06-02-2013, 12:13 PM

He was quiet the whole time, and when he did speak it wasn't much. Oh how badly she wanted him to say something, show emotion, at least try to comfort her in some way. If this continued she felt as though her sadness would become too much, her body closing in on itself, crushing her very being until she finally disappeared...

No... I don't wanna disappear! She screamed in her head, eyes going wide at the thought. Her tail wrapped around her back leg as she stood there, body trembling. She could feel her mind start to retreat, the feeling slowly vanishing from her paws, running up her legs, but once it reach her main body it had stopped, Pontifex's voice making it come to a stop.

Storm grey orbs lifted off the ground to focus on her brother, ears raising up off her head and pointing towards him, taking in every word. Each word, was like a needle to her heart. Not because he spoke what she did not want to hear, this all just hurt her deeply. With a heavy breath she moved towards him, pressing her neck against his, laying her head on his shoulder as he finished speaking.

Thank you... She spoke into his body, eyelids closing over her eyes, ears laying back against her head, taking in her brother's warmth. Pontifex... even though we haven't seen or spoke to each other in some time... I have missed you. Her voice had calmed down, back to its usual soft and gentle tone.

Even if she did not think of him much because of her duty in Seracia and with what had happened to Octavian, she had missed him. Loccian had wanted to get the trio together, to spend some family time together like a little hunt or just go on a stroll. But now that would never happen, they had lost one of the very few family they had left. All they had now, were each other, just Loccian and Pontifex.
