
There is no black and white

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
01-20-2015, 02:59 PM
Hephaestus would be the one brave enough to bring up Helios' health as a starting point to the conversation. Their great uncle wouldn't answer that one right away, instead commenting upon the fact that the Valley, whether it belonged to any of the Olympus family or not would still be an important place to them all. To think of it purely as a graveyard to them seemed completely morbid however, a step down from the importance it had once held, the living greatness it had housed. She wouldn't comment at all upon this offer of neutral lands however, Helios had begun to speak once more his tone changing slightly, more serious as he began to tackle the matter of illness.

He was worried sick. Nothing physically wrong damaging his own body but this fear for Natalya's life was destroying his own as well. She didn't fully understand loss in the sense of death, she had been too young really to remember Hermes and the pain his passing had brought the family. The thought of losing Natalya though, it was certainly an unnerving one. She had of course once thought the very same of her mothers, they were still alive however had simply gone away and if she wanted to see them again perhaps could. Time may have been running out to see their great aunt and even without fully understanding death, she knew the two absences were very different.

Gaia of course would take the news the hardest, she had been rather close to the woman had been taught how to cope without her eyes in ways that she, Hephaestus and Nemesis simply could never had helped her with. She had certainly changed Gaia for the better, that timid little pup so scared of the world had gone and grown into a far more courageous young lady. There was no surprise really that Gaia would request to visit her again, though of course she wouldn't be able to stay. Nemesis would echo the same thoughts. "The same stands for me Helios." Andromeda spoke now, she wouldn't be able to leave her siblings and join Pantheon, even if there was more family there ready to welcome her, these three wolves were simply far more important to her.