
Celebration [pack meeting]

Rune I


5 Years
01-20-2015, 06:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They arrived one by one, his family first and then the others. His daughter, the clever and observant girl, was the first on the scene and immediately teased him for his good mood. His only response was to smile outright, a rare treat for them both, and offer her a soft nuzzle against her cheek. Oh, if only she knew what he had in store. Eirik was more apprehensive - which only added to Rune's amusement - and Alamea was as beautiful and brilliant as ever. His grin softened upon seeing her, his tail making two quick thumps upon the ground as he considered the particularly special news he was going to get to share on their behalf. It delighted him to no end, and he leaned down to press his muzzle into her neck with a sigh. Such wonderful news all around.

Keiki arrived in her own grand way, courtesy of Elliot Rune knew, as well as Akemi and her growing child. Rune's gaze traveled from one to the other momentarily, surprised that Einarr was shooting up like a weed so quickly. At least he was timid, or rather guarded, and not throwing that size around carelessly. To the Guardian, things could have been worse. The Elder Priti arrived, earning a not of respect from the grey wolf, as did Kismet who promptly seated himself beside Warja as expected. Saga, too, showed herself, quiet as ever, and with everyone gathered - they were an awfully small group, he noticed - he finally addressed them.

"I'm glad you all could make it," he remarked, and truly meant it. A full meeting was more than he had bargained for. "I've much to discuss with you, and it's important you all be here to listen. To start, I wanted to remind you all of the Advisory positions I had spoken of in our last meeting. One of those volunteers has since left us, but," - here Rune paused, turning his frosty eyes on Akemi - "if you would consider it, I would actually like for you to become Secretua's Huntress in his place." The grey Guardian hoped not to offend the proud little woman by offering her a title that she had not asked for, but he knew she was still smarting over the scuffle at the border and hoped a change in pace entirely might set her to rights again. "And as for you," he added, now turning his gaze upon his own little healer with the edges of his lips upturned in a small smile, "you will be Secretua's Healer." There, one part down.

On to the next. "There is one more announcement I have for you before I get into the true details of this meeting." Rune paused, just a little nervously, as his eyes skimmed not over the members of the pack but his own children. Was this the proper time? Should he have chosen somewhere a little less public to tell them? Possibly. But he had already started it. He glanced down at his little mate beside him, seeking reassurance before he looked amongst the pack again and stated almost on a sigh, "Alamea and I are expecting another litter of pups. They won't be here until summer, so we'll have plenty of time to prepare. And hopefully we'll be ready." He spoke not only to his wife, but everyone as a whole. More pups meant more mouths to feed, more minds to mold. And more siblings for his older litter. He watched them in particular, hoping the news was going to be received well. It was too late for them to refuse it now.

"As for the true purpose of this meeting," he went on, rounding the conversation back on his initial news, "Secretua has reached its first year here in the Gulley and on the Prairie. And to commemorate that, I would like us to have a festival among ourselves. For the next month, I want our focus not to be on the pack, but on each other. Reach out to your fellow pack members, make friends, play," he added, particular emphasis placed on the last as he glanced at his own children and the other young wolves of the pack. "I'll be offering my own encouragement during the month, and I'd like for all of you to participate in some way. I don't just want us to work well together as one functional unit," he explained, "I want us all to understand just how important each of us is to the whole."

He watched them, his pack, and felt pride at the small group who followed him. They had stayed, they were strong; they needed to know their worth. "I'm truly grateful to have each of you here. I want you to know that. And now I want you all to enjoy yourselves because you've earned it." With everything he had wanted to say spoken, Rune fell quiet, watching them for a moment before he turned to offer a nuzzle against Alamea's cheek. "I'll be back. I have something to get the festivities started," he whispered to her with a gentle smile. Leaving the pack to mingle, to socialize, to begin the fun, Rune stepped away to find the token he had tucked away in his den, one that he hoped might spark a good game between the members of his pack.

-Exit Rune-

OOC: Just sort of made sense for Rune to walk off like he did, but if anyone has questions for him I'm totally available for solo threads with him if you'd like. Going on a limb and assuming there won't be any complaints about the promotions and the baby news, hopefully, so just wanted to keep things rolling. xD Might not be until later when I get the first game thread up, but I hope everyone's ready! Be merry, be social, and have fun, Secretua! -throws confetti-