
your love is anemic

Absinthe 1

01-20-2015, 06:33 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

This place was weird, but the little violet lass decided she quite liked it. The sand was squishy under her little alabaster toes, and the whole place was teeming with life. Some little fish still busily flopped on the edge of the surf, but she wasn't tempted to try and catch them. What if the water tried to gobble her up, or one of the fish attacked her? That would be awful. As her little paws squelched across the sand bar, a sudden spray of water assaulted her without warning or reason at all. With a squeal, she backpedaled until she was sitting neatly on her rump. Blinking in utter confusion, she stared at a tiny little hole int he ground.

That thing had attacker her! (whatever it was)

With a little growl of indignation, she started scrabbling at the little hole in the ground. Whatever was down there was gunna get it. Her pallid toes were soon stained brown by the turf, and she had sand in her whiskers in no time. The hole she'd created had led to something odd, and kinda shiny. Glaring down at it with her mismatched pools, she wondered what it's problem could have possibly been with her. All she'd been doing was walking! Snorting disdainfully, she tried to pry the thing out with her sharp little talons. When it finally came free with a reluctant pop, she took it between her itty bitty fangs.

Crunching down with all her might resulted in a rather worrying crackling, but nothing truly happened to the thing. With a frown, she kept squeezing her jaws together regardless of the futility of it all. There was no way she was giving up on this big meanie. Obviously the real attacker was inside this armor. She had a bone to pick with the big butt head.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!