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6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 01:29 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 01:33 AM by Glacier.)

The advantage of staying on the Volcano where they had first entered the land, was its proximity to their old home. He would wonder some way back some days and listen out, his father, well definitely not a loving sort of man, and one that clearly did not want the children to remain for one reason or another had promised that he would warn the oldest boys when he was sending their next children away. Truly, Glacier didn't ever think he would understand what went through his parents minds, that they could so easily send away that which they had brought into this world. Glacier half expected them to soon send off the oldest kids, they would be reaching two years old soon which seemed to be the deadline for their parents ability to handle their presence.

By some stroke of luck, a howl would call out to him as he made a journey towards their old land, and he would know what that signal meant. He howled for Voltage to accompany him, knowing the older brother wanted to be a part of everything that happened to the family. They made the journey to the island, reunited with their youngest siblings and made their way back to the volcano the family currently resided in. All in all, it was actually a fairly painless and quick journey, they didn't even have to see their dreaded parents.

He stopped outside the crevice they had made into a temporary home and realized it just wasn't big enough for their growing family, they would have to organize more options for sleeping arrangements, and he wouldn't feel right unless they where all close by and safe. “Here we are, i'll just see whose home” he said, looking first at Voltage, then at his siblings before lifting his head and howling to see who was around to greet their family in this small reunion.

"Burn Baby Burn"