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6 Years
01-21-2015, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 01:45 AM by Voltage.)
 Voltage had been rather somber on this trip, as he seemed to be whenever the topic of their parents came up. Silence was odd for the older brother, but he barely spoke a word on their journey, his stormy eyes hard and waiting. He didn't know how his temper would hold up if he managed to see his parents once more, or if he could hold his tongue let alone his teeth from trying to do some damage to the two adults. It felt like old wounds were sliced open, like blood that wouldn't stop trickling. It felt like Voltage was abandoned again and again as each and every sibling was turned away, and vowed, every morning, that he would do what he could to keep each and every one of them from feeling his pain. Perhaps it was because he was very intune with his emotions, the fact that he loved so deeply and so strongly that he felt this way, felt this pain. It wasn't untill his paws made contact with the volcano again that he seemed to almost snap out of it. Light flooded his cloudy eyes once more, a small smile tugging at his lips as he looked around. "Sere and Gale should be here somewhere..." He whispered with a gentle smile, glancing back to the youngest siblings that had been added to their collection of unwanteds...but oh so wanteds. He loved each and every one of them so dearly, and he vowed, once more, that he would give these guys the love and devotion they were rejected on that cursed island.

"Burn Baby Burn"