
No One Cares


06-02-2013, 02:30 PM

Rum had now been face to face with the male, their red eyes lining up to each other, the blue and the green orbs almost looked the same at a distance. Fenrir had said he was leaving Valhalla, how ironic? Of course he was leaving for different more understandable reasons, but still. They happened to be leaving at the same exact time.

Fenrir had returned the question to him, and because this male had something about him, Rum actually wanted to be friends with him. They seemed like they had something in common, but he couldn't really identify it. "Oh well... I'm leaving. I'm going to find my sister." Even though Rum had just come from talking to Pepper, he didn't want anyone, especially his mother, knowing that he was truly leaving. He would come meet Morgan and this new man of hers when she called, and maybe break the news to her then, but now he wanted no one to know he was officially leaving.

Rum was about the speak when he noticed another wolf approaching and Fenrir's focus then set behind him. His head turned, stepping over to let the Alpha female have a space in their circle. He bowed his head just a little showing respect to her, even though he knew he was going to disrespect her in only a minute.