
A meeting...of business



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 03:32 AM

The two oldest wolves in the family reminisced the hardships of their family and the weight that had come to rest on their shoulders. Oddly enough, Glacier would have it no other way, he couldn't imagine letting another sibling hold this burden, or sharing it with anyone other then Voltage, the pair had been through a lot together, and he trusted his brother, trusted him to care for what mattered to them both the most – their family.

Voltage would lean against him, and he would feel the warmth of his brother press against him. They drew comfort from each other, and big things became small between them. Glacier's mind was going down this path, well Voltage clearly ran to another idea, one that voiced after a moment, and Glacier's icy silver eyes would look across to his brother, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, of course, this was a way that they where different, this was something that was all Voltage. Glacier was there for his family, if they ever wanted to come to him with a problem, but Voltage brought them all together with his brilliant spark. “I think that would be fantastic, we all could do with some love right now” he added, slightly teasing as he nudged his brother – Glacier admitting to anything like needing love was a rarity. “Voltage” he said simply “There isn't anyone I would rather have by my side, then you” but with that he would brush aside the sentimentality and get back to business “Did you have something in mind?”

"Burn Baby Burn"