
Ma Lumi�re

Thaddeus Rogue

06-02-2013, 03:06 PM
Thaddeus Rogue did not have to wait for long. His sister came bounding out, no doubt wanting a little rest in her old age of running after pups, and well by god he will entertain her with all his might. This should be good news, he hoped it was good news. He did not know what his sister thought of Ayala, but he knew his brother accepted her already, he was the main force in her reawakened soul, and without him she may have never accepted his love or her love for him, she may have locked it up within her heart thinking she was dirty and nothing, that he could not love her. Rogue was sure Gargoyle will accept his love into the family. But Crusade was another matter, he was not sure what she thought about Ayala, but he was more then sure that she would not deny her. "Hello sister, I am well, a bit more then well acutely, there was something I needed to tell you and...."

He was cut off as the main factor of the conversation came up to him and twined herself with him, she pressed her face under his chin, murmuring soft hellos. He breathed her scent deeply as it wafted about him, her scent was always intoxicating, always and forever his. He brushed her with his tail and then turned back to his sister. "As I said, I have something to tell you both, I would like to present you to Ma Lumi?re. She is my mate now sister." With that Rogue eyed Ayala, his green blue eyes full of happiness. "At long last, let me tell you Crusade her shell was not easy to break open." He laughed then licking Ayala's two-toned cheek in such a loving and affectionate way. "But you know what they say, right sister, the battle is half the fun."

With that Thaddeus Rogue looked up into his elder sisters eyes, well eye, seeing that she was missing one, and watched her, trying to tell her mood, was she happy? Outraged? Indifferent? He could not tell, but it matter not, for he was going to have the love of his life, weather his family liked it or not, but he wanted them to be part of his happiness, to celebrate with him. Speaking of. "Where is Gargie, he should be here too. I got something related but different to tell him."