
walk through flames



8 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 02:30 PM

Shai had not let himself dwell on the woman who had stolen him for that one night, rather he'd done his best to forget about her completely. Gwena had been the love that had taken him, but with the revelation of his daughter she found herself unable to stay by his side. He wondered what he might have done had she grown pregnant with the spawn of another man. Even now he was unsure if he would have been able to depart from her. He still hurt more than he would have liked to admit, more than even he would admit to himself Gwena had broken him.

He would be completely in the dark to what Motif felt for him, let alone being able to find himself returning those feelings. He wasn't ready yet, there was too much healing to be done for him to notice that he needed her. That Shaye needed a complete family, not parents sleeping in different dens. These thoughts would not touch on him as he found himself talking quietly with the mother of his child. The only words she would offer in return was an agreement, but the way she trailed off he could have sworn she meant more. He would not think so deeply though. He would find a sigh leaving him, the uncertainty beneath plain as day. "I almost had a wife." he would say softly, why he wasn't sure. Maybe to show her where he'd come from, why it was he was with them now. "She left when she met Shaye," The words were sorrowful in their quiet depths as he continued to gaze at their tiny child.

"yoruban" "english"