
Rolled up looking picture perfect


01-21-2015, 05:25 PM

He would take a step closer, shortening the distance between them to only about two feet. A wicked grin would twist his dark lips, causing a singular brow to lift. His name rolled off his tongue, echoing in her ears. His amethyst gaze ravaged her features, she would nearly feel his gaze over inch of her. She would return the favor, allowing her verdant gaze to cast a lingering inspection over his larger bodice. He would inquire about her name before she could give it. Basanti. Her reply was like honey, dripping easily from dark lips. The glint of the moonlight would shine off his harness, catching her attention almost immediately.

Her interest would spike, and without a second though, she take a step closer, invading his personal space. Nostrils would quiver, inhaling the foreign scent of leather and metal. She had moved in an attempt to position her left shoulder in nearly perfect alignment with his own left shoulder, her neck craning to part of the harness that across his shoulder. She would seek to reach out with her nose, wanting to touch one of the spikes. If he didn't move, then the spike would press against her nose, though not hard enough to harm her. Whats this? She would ask, her voice soft, highly curious. With each breath she would inhale more of his masculine scent, her mind steadily turning it into a heady cocktail.