
I Hear Your Voice On The Wind



10 Years
01-21-2015, 05:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 05:26 PM by Aures.)

Odette had taken the time to rest after Novella guided her around Threar's lands. After crashing in an offered den whose room was ginormous for the large woman, she woke up to see the last rays of the sun touching the forest. Sleep that had been with Odette for a few hours left, causing the woman to rise with more vigor than she had before. After shaking out her fur and stretching all four legs, she left the den to peek outside. Her eyes shimmered at the beauty of the late afternoon. Ohhh, if she was a warmer climate female, she would enjoy living there.

The tri-colored woman left the den and began to explore the wonders Threar had to offer. She hoped no one would try to attack her and ask why she was there; she was a guest, after all. Luckily, no such hostile personality appeared to confront her and she gave a warm smile to the pink and purple sky above her. Fate really was working in her favor this time and she still couldn't believe it.

Soon, Odette caught a salty scent upon the nearby breezes. She walked in the direction of the source and came upon a secluded bay. Her heart rate increased as she happily bounded towards the empty shore, memories of her family's first home after Glaciem hitting her with nostalgia. Her paws crunched in the sand and she happily barked before diving towards the warm crystals. Her massive frame rolled in the loose grains and gentle laughs left her lips as she felt the last rays fall onto her. Her skin prickled and she opened her eyes to look up at the sky as it began to change colors. Odette's tail wagged in the sand, sending it everywhere as she began to feel content. Yes, it was definitely a good thing to approach Threar in the first place. This choice was one she knew she wouldn't regret.

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