
dancin' for no reason



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-21-2015, 09:33 PM

With Ellis out of the den there was enough room (well, kinda) for him to squeeze in, which he promptly did. They chatted about nothing in particular, simply talking to pass the time. When Cascade finally started to look as if the contractions were getting to her, he circled around behind her and laid down beside her, silently offering his shoulder for her to lean into when it got hard.

Weeeeeee time skip!

The longer her labor went on, the more curious he got. When it was finally time for the first to be born, his curiosity got the better of him and the brute scooted around so that he could peek over Cascade's rump. When that didn't quite satisfy his curiosity he sneaked closer. What he saw made him freeze. That looked like a...was that, was that a hea-

Quite suddenly he found himself leaning on his elbows on the ground with the world tilting around him. He blinked and took a deep breath before fleeing to take up position once more by Cascade's side. Yep. He wasn't going down there again. At least not while a kid was coming out of it. Still shocked by what was now seared into his retinas, Valen barely registered the question as Cas instructed him to name their son. However, he did pay close attention when the child was brought forward and cleaned. He had tiny, chubby little legs that led down to fat cankles and clubbed toes. His head was blocky and blunt with teeny fat ears that lay squashed against his massive noggin...and he was perfect. "Cas, he's amazing." Gently he picked him up and set him down next to Cascade's belly.

Their second child was also male and had similar coloring as his father. "He's perfect." Cascade, who was somehow still in a cheerful mood despite having just delivered two (count 'em...TWO) big headed babies, quipped, "Gee, Valen, you really are making a bunch of mini-you's to take over aren't you?" To which Valen responded, "Oh, damn, my secret's out."

A third child soon entered the world, this one loud and demanding. "She's beautiful, he commented. "A bit loud." But that was a good thing, right?

She joked some more, something that brought a smile to Valen's lips, and then stated that she could use a nap. No shit. She just crapped three kids into the world. "Before you sleep, I've been thinking about names." Clearing his throat, he tipped his head in the direction of the firstborn. "I was thinking that the pumpkin-headed one could be called Angelus, the big guy right there," he pointed to the secondborn, "Could be Seraphim, and the little noisemaker looks like an Evangeline to me."

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.