
Spot Light On Me & I'm Ready To Break!



5 Years
01-22-2015, 12:18 AM

She had finally pulled herself away from her precious volcano, and although she was glad it saddened her a bit to leave the heated stone. Naturally her flame coloured body was attracted towards the West, the dry and desert qualities calming her loud soul. Well, as much as it was possible. She had wandered with ease through the sandy terrain, not at all phased by the heat that pounded down on her red and black coat. Paws cut through the tiny grains as if it were solid ground as she easily picked her way towards the little lake. For one who knew the heat and lay of the land well, she could taste it in the dry air, the moisture that called to the ones who sought it. She shrugged her elegant shoulders, just thankful that not many other wolves seemed to venture here. It made it safe for her to wander around while this blasted season stole her sanity.

The woman's paws cooled on the grass, and she curved her way around the pool of water and settled herself in the shade. Ah, this seemed a good place as any to rest. Dropping her heated body towards the earth she rested her head of her flaming legs, ember eyes raking across the landscape. That is when she saw the flurry of sand, kicking off behind a rather frantic wolf. The golden marked female seemed to be too thirsty to even notice the girl sitting on the opposite side of the waters edge. The female plunged her face into the cool waves. Sere chuckled, a smile spread wide on her inky lips. She waited until the dame had brought her head back up until she said something, vocals smooth. "Thirsty?" she asked with a coo. Serefina didn't generally care much for strange wolves, and didn't often trust them. But with her being in heat, it made her long for the feeling of another beside her, or more like behind her. But she couldn't deny that this dame was beautiful, her golden markings even bringing the stars to shame. Easily she let her gaze roam across her luscious body, taking in her soft and delicate curves. The need to bite her fangs into the woman's rump suddenly coming over her, making her eyes lid with desire. Damn this stupid season...