
Wait, what did you say? More puppies!?


06-02-2013, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2013, 09:31 AM by Rina.)
Name: Oran
Personality: As a pup she will be like any other. Playful, mischievous,generally curious. She has a love for plants and the wilderness, but her favourite pass-time is wrestling. She has quite a large build for a girl, certainly strong. She likes to practice her howling, although it is only a waver. She treats all as her equals, and does not judge based on appearances. She loves her siblings, and treats then as best friends, although, if they go away to play, she usually tends to stay with an adult. Because of this, she learns a lot and listens to anything and everything intently. You better be careful what conversations you have on front of her.
Eye color: One purple, one green
Pup Number: G or H
Allignment: Neutral Good
RP sample: Oran wandered through the gorse bushes beside mummy. I wonder where my brothers and sisters are? She wondered, absent-mindedly. She came to a small clearing, surrounded by blackcurrant bushes YUM! I hit Maybe I should wait for my brothers and sisters? Nah, they didn't want to come with me.
Before long, Oran' s muzzle was stationed with berry juice. Her stomach was bulging with said berries as she made her way back to mummy. How happy mummy will be to see I found some food all by myself! she proudly entered the cave, which was their home, to find mummy asleep! How could just be asleep when I've been finding? She padded forward again to come just beside mummy, but suddenly felt very tired. She lay down next to mummy' s soft, perfect fur. Finding makes you sleep- her thoughts were cut off as she fell into berry induced sleep.