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4 Years
01-22-2015, 03:18 AM

All the Elementas

334 words

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

A part of her wondered if she was crazy, two older males she had never met telling herself and her siblings that they were their older brothers and to follow them? And they had all listened? Still they did bear a resemblance to the siblings she had known in her life time and after having so coldly being pushed from the only home she had known she was eager to believe there was a place out there were they belonged.

They had walked in silence, keeping herself as close to Solaris as possible and occasionally throwing grins in Arcus’ direction. Finally they would arrive at their apparent destination and the vixen looked around with some disinterest. The mountain was quite barren, heat slowly curling down from its peak towards them. Not her ideal spot to spend their time but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

A familiar form would wind on down towards them and a smirk tugged at her lips as she observed her older sister addressing the males that had “collected” them. Pale topaz’s narrowed a she observed her fiery sister’s demeanor, the way she moved around the yellow male. Then Serefina’s words hit her and she didn’t make any effort to hide her annoyance, an ear twitching back.

Still kinder words dropped from the older female’s lips and Selini couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. Still she was going to get back at her sister. Removing herself from her opposite’s side she moved on towards her other brother. Slowly she pushed in towards the yellow and charcoal man, lifting a tail to wave it right in front of his nose. “Well seems you certainly settled in.” She teased, attempting to pull her tail under the older male’s chin. A cheeky grin was shot in the fiery female’s direction.

Silently another of the siblings she recognized moved in towards the congregation. A brief nod was sent his way, before she moved her defiant stare back towards Serefina.

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