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8 Years
Athena I
01-22-2015, 03:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 04:14 PM by Solaris.)

I think I've lost control

Quietly, Solaris would move along behind the older brother he vaguely remembered. With Selini pressed to his side he felt a little less bothered by it all, but he wasn't one to enjoy change so the whole situation wasn't entirely pleasant for the golden boy.  He would turn his fiery gaze toward Arcus from time to time, trying to read the expression on his brother's face before glancing back toward the older man in front of them. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect and that put him on edge. He liked his routines and his normalcy. This whole 'move', if you wanted to call it such a friendly term, was nothing of the sort.

When they finally arrived he let his gaze jump from one wolf to the next, seeing the yellow and black man first. Again, the sight of him rang distant memories, but he knew it had been so long since he had seen either him or the blue-hued one that had led them here. Then his gaze found his fireball of an older sister who came over to greet them first. Terrae would come next, another familiar face. A year felt like ages in the life of a young wolf such as himself, but he recognized every one of them at least a little and could even begin to put names to faces. Those small feats made some of the tension begin to fall from his shoulders and a small smile tug at his lips. He wanted to move to Selini's side, but she had gone to tease Serefina and Voltage so instead he stood near Arcus, still remaining silent and taking it all in.


please don't hold me back