
Very very frightening



4 Years
01-22-2015, 04:00 AM
silently she's filled with pride
One day they'll know, she's got a heart of gold And she sings, I want to know what love is But it seems to come with so much pain If no one wants to show me It seems easier just to run away When I am gone it's just a penny for my soul But God he knows, I got a heart of gold but now change is clear

It seemed their arrival had upset the pre-determined living arrangements, the vixen got the feeling there was much work going on behind the scenes to get things into order again and a part of her was amused at the notion that it was partially her fault. Not that she really had any control over what had happened…

With a sigh Selíni rolled onto her back, staring up blankly at the early dusk sky. It would be an hour maybe more before the moon was visible in the sky and she wished it would arrive sooner. It had once amused her how each of her siblings seemed to revel, at least partially, in one particular season or weather. Symbolic maybe, but it all made perfect sense to the charcoal girl. Night was her element, it was generally a bit more peaceful. Prey animals hide within their holes or the deepest shadows of the forest and very few of the bigger predators seemed eager to go digging for them. Crickets chirruped and occasionally the bats would wheel and dive overhead, snatching up insects with their soft squeaks.

Flipping once more on to her stomach the vixen glanced around. Certainly one of her siblings had to be within a close range…
