
Ma Lumi�re



06-02-2013, 04:44 PM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


It was hard to say at first whether or not Crusade was pleased by Rogue's news. For more than a minute it seemed she was just trying to get over the shock of seeing this lovely marbled fae slide up alongside her brother and greet him like that. And then even more surprising was the sight of those red eyes. Mahniya? ..... What?

Crusade blinked. She was getting to old for this. How many times did the world have to rearrange itself?

And... she was Rogue's mate. Crusade did her best to pull herself together and stop dribbling drool into the snow. She licked her old grey nose and shook her head. Incredulity faded to Humor as Rogue unfurled how he'd won her heart. It was a happy moment - a tender, blissful miracle in the middle of a world that had begun to seep once more into a grey saddness. Crusade had wanted well for Mahniya since the younger fae had joined. But the ex-slave had struggled so long about the 'ex' part that Crusade had more or less resigned any thoughts of her ever having a family like a normal wolf. (Then again, heck, Crusade had a family and she was the last thing from normal)

"Creator Above," was all they could get out of her for a bit, but her eye absolutely sparkled with joy. They certainly had her good will, that was clear.

She was just about to add, in return to Rogue's question, that she didn't know where Gargoyle was, when a flurry of snow and a familiar oncoming scent let her know her answer wasn't necessary.


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"